Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Walcott, IA

After playing tag over the satellite system for a little while, requiring me to stop at three rest areas in a row, I found out that I couldn't get the load relayed and, at first, couldn't get the appointment moved up. Then, apparently, the consignee had a cancellation and my appointment got bumped up to 2:30PM, subtracting several hours from my wait. So now I get to wake up at 7AM, start driving at 8 or so, and arrive there (ideally) about half an hour before my scheduled time. I'm sure that it's going to take me more than the "average" three hours to unload this truck, since I'm not in particularly good shape; I'm almost hoping they require me to hire a lumper instead of doing it myself, since that would be faster. At least, if I have to do it myself, I get an extra $50.

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