Saturday, June 14, 2008


Is it just me, or is the only thing that comes from being mated is having someone to nag you and tell you what not to do with your life? And not just telling you not to do something stupid, either, but insisting that you not do things that you'd happily do and enjoy if you didn't have "that special someone" telling you no. It seems that the overwhelming majority of people in relationships have no business being in them as they become, quite simply, worse people for it. There are a few that can make it work, I will concede that; I'm simply referring to a majority that become less enjoyable company simply because they are so busy worrying about someone else to actually enjoy themselves.

Yes, I'm ticked off about this because, despite it being so early this morning, I've already had tow people pull that card. Seriously, what the fuck?


  1. From what I can gather, I'd say a lot of these mateship issues like what you describe here seem to stem from one or the other not quite understanding beforehand or just plain unwilling to work with what the other likes. And of course, their worrying about someone else constantly can make things miserable for all involved sometimes. (And the real kicker is when you find out that what they don't want you to do they're doing anyway. Had that happen; no doing things online with friends, but mate would do so with their friends under the pretext that it's just an RP, therefore it's meaningless. Sucked once it hit me what was going on well after the fact.)

  2. One of the biggest requirement of any potential mate for me would be NO CONTROL FREAK ISSUES XD

    Not allowing me to RP or RL "play" with friends would be a biiiig dealbreaker :P

    Off topic, but goddammit I'm getting tired of just about every site on the planet now requiring Captcha entries before posting :P

  3. Wow, two comments! I feel loved! :)

    I kind of have to agree with both of you so far. I've been in that situation as well, Kilroy, and yet the other people involved didn't seem to understand it was a problem. Sometimes it just seems like people aren't willing to communicate, as if you could magically divine what they wanted.

    And Startide, there's no way I would ever be in a closed relationship; I'm just too inclined to show my affection for others in a physical manner. I'd respect a few boundaries, sure, but an outright "NO" would definitely cause me to break up with someone. I wouldn't mind having a mate again, if I could find someone who was interested and didn't have serious mental issues, but that seems to be an exceptionally high standard for furries. :)
