Thursday, June 12, 2008

Durand, WI

After getting those loads, it was quite a quick drive to where I'm delivering to. I dropped the empty, picked up a second empty, took that to the new location, picked up my load, and hurried over here in record-setting time. I parked here, walked to the office... to see a sign that said "open 8-5, Monday-Friday." But, wait a second, I have a 7AM appointment! As I'm turning around, someone comes out from another exit and asks me what's going on. I explain. He then tells me to back up in front of the dock and just park; they'll have someone wake me up when it's time for my appointment. So I walked to a McDonald's a couple blocks away, got dinner, and now am just winding down for the night. Tomorrow's going to be several hundred miles of Interstate goodness; I hope I can make it to a decent park location by sundown.

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