Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Pharr, TX - Miscommunication and sleep deprivation

This is definitely going to be "one of those nights." I had trouble enough falling asleep, but then, just a few minutes ago, I had a security guard start banging on the side of the truck. I tried to figure out what was going on, which was not easy since the guard spoke only minimal English, but apparently he thinks that this drop yard is closed and, as such, I shouldn't be parked here. Never mind that the guard on the previous shift, the manager at the shipper, and the people at customer service all have given me information saying that I can park here. He's gone away, for now, but both the operations people and I are worried that he's called the police, a tow truck, or done something similar.

Edit (10 minutes later): He came back and handed me a cell phone with someone back at the warehouse on the line. They apparently wanted me to move back over there and park against one of their docks, which contradicts what I was told earlier (specifically, that I could if I wanted to but it was not necessary). I explained this and that I wouldn't be leaving until at least 7 o'clock since I had a tire that needed to be replaced and that the tire bank won't be open until 8. So, after they explained all that to the guard, he just told me that they wouldn't open the gate until 6 (more than an hour before I need to leave) and is now letting me go back to sleep.  I'm not going to have nearly as much time to sleep now as I'd like, but at least I can be reasonably certain that I won't be disturbed again.

1 comment:

  1. Ugh, what a pain in the ass that situation is. You'd think that the shift you talked to would leave a note for the next shift so they wouldn't wake you for that.
