Sunday, April 13, 2008

Waterloo, NY

After that repair issue, dropping my trailer, and picking up this new load, I only had 45 minutes left on my 14 hours. Instead of being able to drive 100 miles or more and stop somewhere near Buffalo, I barely made it here before my time was up for the night. This leaves me more than 650 miles away from where I'm delivering. I'll probably have to stop at the Gary, IN operating center tomorrow night, which is still 627 miles away; it'll require a bit of good fortune to make it that far, especially considering that much of my drive will be through Ohio, complete with its obnoxious 55 mph truck speed limit.

One perk, though: tonight's low here is forecast to be 29 degrees and I have a load that requires freeze protection. In other words, I have to leave the truck running so it causes enough vibration to keep the cargo from freezing. Meaning, in turn, I don't freeze inside the cab since I'll just leave the heater running through the night. I just hope they give me credit back for this idle time; this will be the first time in Q2 that I've deliberately left the truck running for any significant period of time.


  1. Just to be on the safe side, it probably wouldn't hurt to send a freeform shortly before you start your workday with how many hours you idled, stating it's for freeze protection.

    It's what we do when we have to idle; this way they know where it happened (if you send it before moving) for how long, and for what reason
