Monday, January 5, 2009

Breiningsville, PA - A short night and a long drive

Rather than getting things done in a timely manner, I wasn't even assigned a dock until nearly 15 minutes after my scheduled appointment, then they didn't start loading the trailer until almost an hour after I backed in. As such, I can't even fake something that will let me drive away from here. The "bright" side is that my DOT break is up in about four hours and I have a couple options for places to stop, though none of them are really that good. I either can stop at the Carlisle OC and have a very long, overnight drive and probably run out of hours while I'm being unloaded, pick a place about 150 miles from the consignee and still have to wake up before midnight, or a place in the middle of nowhere about 60 miles out and probably have nothing to do but sleep due to a lack of cell phone and TV reception.

The only bright side is that I'm finally heading out of the northeast; this load goes into North Carolina. I just wish that it would let me stop somewhere I want to go.

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