Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Green Bay, WI

A relatively short day today, but I'm not complaining too much with as hard as I've been running lately. I arrived at my pick up location slightly early, even after going 10 miles the wrong way. As it was only 6,500 pounds, I didn't have to scale it, but I did stop for a couple hours to let Chicago's morning rush hour clear up so I wouldn't get completely held up in traffic. It probably saved me half an hour on my drive, though traffic still was rather unpleasant. Now I'm at the Green Bay OC, just relaxing for the rest of the evening. I have a 7AM delivery (live unload tomorrow) that's expected to take six hours, so I'll probably just come back here and park; I don't see much point in having only five hours left to drive. Besides, I need to pick up some time on my 70 hours; I've used more than 50 hours in the last seven days and have been running around that level for a while, so a day off would help alleviate that. I probably won't be able to take a full 34-hour restart, though; operations isn't going to let me take one of those unless I truly am out of hours. Even so, I'll take what I can get.

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