Monday, August 18, 2008

Crestview, FL

I stopped at the Florida welcome center to update operations about the load. Despite my best efforts, there's no way I could have made the delivery appointment I had. The unload of my previous load took nearly four hours; it was supposed to be done within two. And even if I'd gotten out of there on time, I'd have had only one hour to spare on this load. So when I got a message that said "Please call me" I prepared for the worst, since I didn't think it was anything good.

Turns out, though, that they want me to relay the load somewhere. It's going to be a relay not because I'm late but because of Tropical Storm Fay. I'm just waiting at a rest area right now for instructions on where I need to go. I'll be particularly happy if they route me to the place I've parked my car and I can just take the rest of the day off, but I doubt I'll get that lucky.

1 comment:

  1. Hurray for not going into a storm! I would have been shocked if they actually made you drive into such madness. Would have really sucked if you got there, only to find the place had been abandoned before the storm hit without letting anyone know.
