Saturday, February 9, 2008

Beech Island, SC

Ugh,. Being out on the road for six weeks is really, really starting to wear on me; I'm looking forward to being home a week from now. I left Indianapolis much later than I wanted (almost 3AM instead of 12:30), in part because it took me an hour and a half to find my wallet. It's amazing how hard it can be to find things even in a space small as the sleeper berth of a truck. Then, since I'd had trouble getting to sleep, I ended up having to stop and take a break instead of driving all the way through. Thankfully, since I'd made up a bit of time on the road, I could take a DOT break and still make delivery on time

... or so I thought. As I was getting ready to leave, another driver told me that I-75 southbound was closed. Apparently there was a major accident and both lanes were blocked. For some incredibly stupid reason, even though I saw that US 25W was a viable alternate route (only 5 extra miles), when I saw a sign that said one lane was open on I-75, I stayed on. And, as such, lost a full hour in traffic. As it later turned out, I was just under an hour late, and I'd probably have saved that hour had I gone on the back road. At least, for once, I had a legitimate reason for being behind schedule, but I should have been able to make that delivery yesterday!

Aside from that traffic jam, there's really not much else out of the ordinary going on. I'm here at this distribution center for the third time (The first customer I've been to thrice), and my load won't be ready for at least another nine hours. As such, I'm going to post this, get a quick bowl of cereal, and sleep for as long as my body will allow me to.

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