Sunday, May 17, 2009

Gary, IN - Down for a weekend

I feel somewhat guilty for not updating here more often, but it just doesn't seem like much has happened to warrant a post. I had to take a 34 hour restart in a customer's parking lot due to a total lack of freight in New England; even the Kimberly Clark plant half a mile from where I sat had nothing to offer us. They finally found a run for me to pick up, but I caught the beginning of NYC's rush hour going to get it, complete with loads of people making pointless lane changes and bums begging for money at nearly every ramp.

Given that I still need to do Spring Training and have to wait on a new EZPass transponder to arrive, ops just decided to push me out until at least Monday afternoon. Depending on how freight is I may not get a load right away, of course; that's just the earliest they'll show me as available. Hopefully I'll get some decent mileage in the second half of the month; things are getting rather shaky around here...

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