While I lack the time to write a full blog post on the matter, suffice to say that I had a confrontation with the account manager again today. Among other unprofessional comments he made, he said he didn't like my attitude yet could only point to one incident in which my attitude was remotely a factor. Also, because I didn't magically figure out what the facility's policies were, heading to the guard shack "cast a really guilty light on [my] behavior" because I didn't know that the loss prevention people wanted to look at my truck in the back of the warehouse and not on the way out. That last comment is - in my opinion - an inexcusable and baseless accusation.
While I'm not going to pretend that I have a cheerful disposition, I don't give any guff to our customers and I get my job done. I'll complain about extra work from time to time and try to reason my way into trading off extra stuff now for a break later, but I'll get the job done even as I'm complaining about it. If he wants to complain about my attitude again I'm going to simply tell him to put his complaints in writing while I do the same, then we'll both submit our grievances to the higher ups in the company. While I'm sure they'll kiss his ass before they even read anything I write solely because he's been there for 20 years and I've only had three years experience, I do want it documented that this guy cares more about his ego and goes on power trips on a regular basis. His attitude is no better than mine. And if I somehow end up losing my spot on the account or with the company over my "attitude" when he can't back up his complaints, I hope that they have the sense to see he needs to lose his position as well.
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