I've been "offered" a chance to transfer to regional or over-the-road, but neither of those is a very appealing option. Under regional services I'd likely take a pay cut and be home only weekly, plus would give up any certainty at all to my schedule and might not even be home on weekends consistently; my days off could fall mid-week when there's nothing to do and nobody to do it with. Over-the-road would be even more depressing: home no more than every other weekend. And of course, both of those options would leave me dealing with random people on the phone and all the problems that come up when dealing with an ever-changing mix of contacts within and without the company.
Given that this is all coming about because of a complaint that isn't even truthful, I'm seriously reconsidering dealing with the company at all. If someone can just make something up and create this much drama, I have little reason to believe that it wouldn't happen again even if I somehow dodge this bullet.