Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Neely's Landing, MO - Exasperation
Anyway, as for that last load, I hadn't been taken off of it when I made my last post. I was told that by operations but I then received a message from the trip planner explaining that I was still on it and that I would make pickup and both deliveries on time, even after I explained that I couldn't possibly do it. I responded by explaining (again) that it would put me over both the 11 and 14 hour rules unless I averaged more than 57 mph and didn't stop for anything whatsoever; when trip planning, they tell us to normally plan on an average of 50 mph and to allow an hour for miscellaneous stops or delays. Only after I said that it would be illegal for me to do so and that I flat-out refused to do it did they take me off the load, though there was a note telling me to call in before I'd be assigned something else.
So I called in and talked to operations and explained the above. They were as bewildered as I was as to how the trip planner thought I could take the load legally. Even more unusual is that the trip planner claimed she wasn't the one to assign me the load, even though it was on her shift; the information about the load assigner disappeared after the load was canceled. At least ops had some good news: I get to go home next weekend because it'll be the one time this month I want to go home. I need to check the mail and such, especially because they mailed all the drivers a coupon for a free pair of boots, good in October only. Also, I found out that we're doing away with the trip planners entirely, which means I won't have to deal with this kind of load-related crap as often; I'll be dealing directly with operations and operations will handle everything that is normally done by trip planning. There was some bad news, though: I do not get a bonus for this month like I was previously told. At least she took the time to look into it and research the correct answer this time around.
As we were wrapping up the conversation, my current work assignment came in, complete with an appointment four hours after my time ran out. Since I was still on the phone, ops just put me on hold and called the shipper; they're allowing me to take my break here. Of course, what should have been a roughly hour trip here turned into nearly double that, resulting in me ending up in downtown of a small city and having to turn around in open lots twice. I'm finally here, I checked in, and it looks like they're just going to take me in the order I arrived. There are three trucks in front of me right now, so once I post this I'm going to get to sleep, since I don't anticipate them being ready for me within the next three hours. The sooner they finish my trailer, of course, the better; I want to get as close to a full night's sleep as I can.
This load is going up to Wisconsin and the route is easy enough, at least: I-55 to I-94 to the consignee. It shouldn't be a problem, since I can deliver the load any time tomorrow, but Chicago traffic is always horrible. I'll just have to cross my fingers on that front. It looks like one truck has been loaded in the time it took me to write this, which means these guys are working remarkably fast tonight. I might not even bother with a nap and just get eight (or more) solid hours of sleep after they finish the trailer if this keeps up. But for now I'm just going to post this and hope that I don't have anything else happen tonight that's worth writing about.
Bloomsdale, MO - uh?
Mount Olive, IL - Unpossible
Mount Olive, IL - Do what now?
Monday, September 29, 2008
Waddy, KY - Long days ahead
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Big Island, VA - Exactly on schedule
Big Island, VA - Hurry up and wait
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Carlisle, PA - Relaxation
Friday, September 26, 2008
Carlisle, PA - Run to the woods
Mechanicsburg, PA - Where is it?
East Berlin, PA - Whose load is this anyway?
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Greenville, VA - Taking it slow
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Knoxville, TN - Ready to go
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Knoxville, TN - Hauled Away
Knoxville, TN - Getting towed, maybe?
Knoxville, TN - Waiting on a wrecker
Knoxville, TN - I blew what now?
Knoxville, TN - R.I.P.?
Monday, September 22, 2008
West Memphis, AR - Whose load is this, anyway?
Confused as to why they would have rescheduled a load I'd said I could make, I called in once again. And more confusion ensued. Turns out that, because freight is so bad right now, customer service is doing a lot of things without confirming them in advance; otherwise we'd lose business to other companies that are more willing to cut corners. A few minutes on hold revealed that the load should have said "by Friday" instead. This means that, if correct, I could get there Wednesday morning and still get unloaded after racking up 1,500 miles in about three days. If it's not, I could potentially get two days of layover at the Carlisle OC while I wait for Friday morning to roll around, though they'd probably just have me drop it and take another load instead.
Either way, I need to haul ass tomorrow. If I don't knock out at least 600 miles, I'm in trouble. I have 931 miles to go on this load and time is very, very short if I want to make that original, Wednesday morning appointment. There's a stop I'd love to make it to up in Virginia, but it's 665 miles away; now that the trucks are at 60 mph, there's no way I can do that unless it's downhill most of the way and I have a good tailwind. Amusingly, there is a 5 to 10 mph tailwind along my route tomorrow. Of course, there are other places I can stop if time is running short.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Dallas, TX - And off we go
One thing that I found incredibly disturbing, though, is that there was a homeless person lounging around in the operating center last night. It was pretty obvious he didn't work here; he had to ask where everything was even though there are signs all over the place and was wearing what appeared to be red bowling shoes instead of the boots any of our drivers wear. Given incidents that have happened in the past, I was worried he was going to pull out a gun or something. Thankfully he was only clueless, as opposed to dangerous, though security had missed him. They said more than six months ago they were going to put up an electric fence and sliding gates around the OC to improve security, but that has yet to happen. As it is, where as I once thought our operating centers were at least reasonably safe, this has proved that's not so and I'm probably going to avoid this place in the future, if I can help it.
Friday, September 19, 2008
West Memphis, AR - Continuing Insanity
So, of course, I went along. And as I suspected, I was overweight. Because of how close to the weight limit I was, I had to play around with the fifth wheel.For those of you who don't drive, it's hard to even convey how much of a pain in the rear this is; the truck lurches violently forward or backward when you're trying to move it, making the sort of small, controlled movements I needed impossible. Each notch is only two inches apart and the truck displayed a tendency to jump four inches at a time when I needed to make the adjustments. As such, it took over an hour and a half to finally get it where I needed it, to get re-weighed so I could prove the weight was legal, and to get back on the highway. This meant that I wasn't going to make it to Little Rock like I'd originally planned, especially since I needed to get a couple things fixed at the operating center here.
On the bright side, I'm doing laundry right now and had a lovely catfish dinner for $6. On the not-so-bright side, I have 500 miles left to go on this run that must be delivered tomorrow and a message came across the Qualcomm today saying freight is soft across the entire country this weekend. I'll probably end up going to another operating center after I deliver the load, even if it is a fifty mile drive, because I don't want to be stuck with a layover out in the middle of nowhere. Besides, I don't think there are any truck stops nearer than that; they seem to like sending me to places that are way off the Interstate lately. It'll all make sense tomorrow, I suppose.
Also, not directly related to trucking, what is it with gasoline prices? As the photo below shows, sometimes just going across the street can save you 42¢ per gallon. Yes, that Pilot is selling regular for $3.77 while the Shell is charging $4.19. There was another big line at Pilot while only one person filled up across the street.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Nashville, TN - WHARRGARBL
Red Boiling Spring, TN - Time is of the essence
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
East St. Louis, IL - Simmering
Fenton, MO - Boiling point
My hours run out at 6:30 - two and a half hours from now - and as I figure it there's no way I can get everything done before 6:15. Even that assumes that I get in the dock exactly at 4 o'clock, per the original appointment, get out of here within a half hour, get everything done at the next shipper (drop and hook) in less than an hour, then find no traffic problems at all as I drive through the middle of St. Louis at rush hour. Even then, it'll be a hell of a squeeze to try and get the delivery done tomorrow; I'll have roughly 400 miles to go and seven hours to do it in, which doesn't even leave me enough time to stop for a bathroom break. If I can somehow save even fifteen minutes somewhere, that will help immensely, though I seriously doubt anything is going to go in my favor at this point. It's now 4:10 and I just backed into the dock; they haven't even turned on the dock lock to let me know that they're ready to work on it. It's a small wonder I was even able to get it in here, though, due to another driver taking up most of the area I needed to maneuver. At least I'm not the first person who has had to cut across the grass to try and make this work.
I'd be really, really happy to just get assigned a simple drop and hook somewhere at this point. A load going to Wal-Mart would be wonderful; those are always easy to work with and generally have extra time in case something goes wrong. They've just started unloading my trailer (finally), so I'm going to post this and hope I can get out of here within the next ten minutes.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Antioch, TN - How many loads can a trip planner cancel?
Monday, September 15, 2008
Gary, IN - Laid over once again
It's amazing how many things can go wrong, isn't it?
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Reddit for Truck Drivers
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Gary, IN - Not so fast
Elkton, IL - I've got nothing
One minute later - Heh, incoming work assignment as I type. This better be good.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
West Memphis, AR - No rest for the weary
West Memphis, AR - Going nowhere slowly
Due to the storm, they ended up canceling my delivery and had me drop it as a relay right here at the OC. Since I didn't get much sleep last night and just have been really groggy all day as a result, I ended up going absolutely nowhere. I'll be getting up early tomorrow and (hopefully) getting quite a bit more sleep to facilitate a full day's work, though if I get an assignment before bed that allows me the luxury of sleeping in, I'll be very happy to do so. For now, I'm just relaxing in the OC since it's not as hot as the truck (though I'd swear the air conditioning is off) and just enjoying the afternoon.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
West Memphis, AR - Racing the storm
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Indianapolis, IN - Getting ready to go again
Amazingly, operations didn't seem to mind that I'd taken the time off without even trying to get a loaner truck; my manager just said that everything was okay and reminded me to send in an update on my hours to run and such. I'll send in about hotel reimbursement tomorrow once I'm ready to go since there's a chance I'll even get the room covered. Overall, this could be quite a good week.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Indianapolis, IN - In the shop again
I'm also somewhat annoyed that operations gave me a work assignment even after I'd written the truck up; I sent a message back telling them that my truck is in the shop and I will not be able to make the delivery. I left them my cell phone number and told them that they could call me if they absolutely, positively had to, but so far I've not gotten a call back. Knowing my luck, I'll get chewed out on Monday for missing the delivery appointment even though I explicitly said that I couldn't take the load due to truck repair. They'd probably have me take a loaner truck again if I actually called them myself, but I'd like to avoid that mess since it took so long to return the loaner last time, resulting in the sort of anemic paycheck I can't afford right now.
Anyway, I'm off to sleep to enjoy yet another couple of days off.